Guru-Tutor is an online self-run matching website for tutors and tutees. We strives to be the best website to find tutors for you. We provide an online platform for tutors or any schools or companies to publish their online classes and course according to their expertise (if you are a high profile educational companies, we welcome more collaboration with additional perks). Learners can browse through their profiles and choose tutors based on what, who they want to learn from, how they want to learn and at their own free time, any where and any time. Guru-Tutor encourages distance teaching and lifelong learning complementing on top of our traditional classroom teaching and learning. We hope to assist high profile tutors to reach out to international clientele in sharing their skills and knowledge. Teach Online, Learn Online Anywhere and Any Time. Don’t forget to Share your published profiles on your social media and observe real-time human traffic thereafter!